• von: pat allgood
  • empfänger: Jeff Smith, District Attorney, LeFlore County, Poteau, Oklahoma

I first posted a petition about this February 12, 2013. It is now August 3, 2014 and this case has not been tried. Continuance after continuance has been granted to the defendant. He got one continuance because he was too busy to appear. I feel that LeFlore County is not taking animal cruelty seriously.

No trial For August 11. We have to soldier on so I extended petition accordingly. Please fwd to all friends and put on Twitter and FB. Thanks

Below is the original petition. 

In  December  of  2011, A.B McReynolds and his  18 year old grandson were arrested for animal cruelty and abuse. Horse carcasses were laying around his property and one dead horse had a dog tied to it. 6 carcasses were in a hog pen.  Two dead hogs lay nearby.One dead dog was found. One horse was euthanized there and another one died during the night.  The charges involved Mr. McReynolds starving the horses to death and using them for dog food. McReynolds uses his dogs to pen cattle.  McReynolds denies being involved with the abuse, even though it occurred  on his property. It is alleged that he placed full blame upon his grandson. He has also  allegedly said "there is nothing a person can do to an animal that calls for 1 hour of jail time".  The preliminary hearing has been postponed until 2/14/13.  We want the DA  to know that it isn't acceptable to offer a plea bargain to McReynolds and his grandson.  Please watch this video and help us work to see that the accused are prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws.

I will be at this trial. Be with me by signing this petition so we can speak for the victims of this unspeakable crime. 

Oklahoma has a lot of very good points but we are seriously lacking discipline when punishment for animal abuse is on the table. 

 This isn't the first time he has injured and abused animals. This is just the first time he's been caught by law enforcement. I've seen animals that he has said he "cares" for and they've been in horrible shape compared to other  livestock owners around me. 

Stand up for the animals he killed and stand up and do your job for the taxpayers of LeFlore county who elected you. Stand up for the people that McReynolds has bullied for years and the people who are fearful of him. 

Stand up for Oklahoma and help us erase the reputation that we're soft on law enforcement.

Thank you, Pat Allgood, Smithville

Update #2vor 10 Jahren
McR and grdsn got plea dls in a secret mtg. McR can't feed any animals to other animals for a year. He can't tie a dog to a dead horse. The grandson can't own livestock. That's it. 16 dead horses, dead dogs and 6 dead hogs. I am heartbroken. Thank you for all you did. Pat
Update #1vor 10 Jahren
No trial for August 11. We soldier on. Please continue to share.
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