Review MMPA - introduce/enforce ban on Dolphin/Whale exportation

  • von: carly van heerden
  • empfänger: Member of the U.S. Congress/President of The United States/NOAA

At present there are no laws preventing the exportation of Dolphins/Whales from the United States. It is known that certain marine parks/institutions are negotiating trade/exportation of Dolphins/Whales to countries in the Middle East, Dubai, Asia and Russia. While these parks may claim to 'own' their animals, it would be a heinous act to take cetaceans from their known surroundings, transport them via air and reintroduce them to a new environment.

This petition asks the U.S. congress, President of the United States and NOAA to place a ban on the exportation of Dolphins/Whales from the United States to other countries, thus preventing Marine Parks from becoming nothing short of 'puppy mills'.

It requests the same, and serves as support to 's petition to end all imports and exports of dolphins across U.S. Borders >

Letter To Congress:

At present there are no laws preventing the exportation of Dolphins/Whales from the United States. It is known that certain marine parks/institutions are negotiating trade/exportation of Dolphins/Whales to countries in the Middle East, Dubai, Asia and Russia. While these parks may claim to 'own' their animals, it would be a heinous act to take cetaceans from their known surroundings, transport them via air and reintroduce them to a new environment. 

In each case, their survival/tolerance during these procedures would be uncertain. Not only is the act of exportation a risk in itself - without laws on exportation, doors remain open to more wealthy parks/institutions, allowing them to begin breeding Dolphins/Whales to sell for profit, thus becoming nothing short of 'puppy mills'. 

Regardless of whether the destined park is under ownership of the park/institution from where the Dolphin/Whale is to be exported from, and the institution claims to 'own' the animals, they should not be allowed to place cetaceans at such risk. 

Marine parks/institutions claim that distributing Dolphins/Whales to other countries creates opportunity for those who would not otherwise get to see these majestic animals. However, a statement like this is backed only by the concept of 'convenience'. 

Not every country is home to every animal. For example, it is unlikely one would find an African Black Rhino in Sweden. This does not mean a Black Rhino should simply be shipped to Sweden for public viewing. If citizens of the world feel strongly about encounters with marine mammals, they should show enough courtesy and respect and make it their goal to visit them in their natural habitat.

At present, there are numerous atrocities carried out regarding cetaceans, yet little is done to protect them. Dolphin hunts in Taiji, Japan, removing of Killer Whales from the oceans, and such. The environments in which many cetaceans live are in jeopardy due to mankind's carelessness. Many institutions believe that by simply breeding and confining cetaceans to tanks we can conserve their species. 

As a citizen of Earth, I cringe at the thought that these institutions find this to be the solution. With the funds they receive via public/corporate donations, one would think that conserving the environment would be of paramount importance instead.

The breeding of captive cetaceans is by no means deemed as a 'successful' practice by many of the world's leading biologists and scientists. Each artificial insemination procedure brings on risks that certainly out-way the 'chance of success'.

We ask that you, members of congress, President of the United States and members of the NOAA take time to review the risks involved with captive cetacean breeding and exportation. We ask you to open your minds to life in 2014/2015 and understand that all animal atrocities occur due to single/multiple groups/organisations wanting to profit from the exploitation of the animals they associate themselves with.

We are responsible for the future. While viewing cetaceans in tanks may 'seem' like a great idea, the animals being viewed endure suffering for it. This has been documented countless times. Expecting these creatures to live their lives in captivity for our convenience is outrageous.

By keeping doors open to exportation of marine mammals/cetaceans from the U.S., the U.S. congress could, in essence, be held accountable for all risks that are involved, due to nothing being done to prevent these risks.

We ask you to understand that Earth belongs to all creatures, and each of them has their own right to live freely. Considering mankind created the degradation within our oceans, it is up to us to fix it. With technology as advanced as it is today, it can be done.

We ask you to deny requests for exportation of Dolphins/Whales to countries outside of the United States, regardless of whether institutions claim to own the animals they wish to export.

We ask you to consider the future. The digital world has taken over. Please help what's left of nature to remain natural. Introduce and enforce a ban on Dolphin/Whale exportation and ask wealthy organizations to turn their attention to assisting our oceans and natural environment instead. This would be true conservation, true education and worthy of the world's respect.

In conjunction with this petition, we ask that you also pay attention to the following petition: 


At present there are no laws preventing the exportation of Dolphins/Whales from the United States. It is known that certain marine parks/institutions are negotiating trade/exportation of Dolphins/Whales to countries in the Middle East, Dubai, Asia and Russia. While these parks may claim to 'own' their animals, it would be a heinous act to take cetaceans from their known surroundings, transport them via air and reintroduce them to a new environment. 

In each case, their survival/tolerance during these procedures would be uncertain. Not only is the act of exportation a risk in itself - without laws on exportation, doors remain open to more wealthy parks/institutions, allowing them to begin breeding Dolphins/Whales to sell for profit, thus becoming nothing short of 'puppy mills'. 

Regardless of whether the destined park is under ownership of the park/institution from where the Dolphin/Whale is to be exported from, and the institution claims to 'own' the animals, they should not be allowed to place cetaceans at such risk. 

Marine parks/institutions claim that distributing Dolphins/Whales to other countries creates opportunity for those who would not otherwise get to see these majestic animals. However, a statement like this is backed only by the concept of 'convenience'. 

Not every country is home to every animal. For example, it is unlikely one would find an African Black Rhino in Sweden. This does not mean a Black Rhino should simply be shipped to Sweden for public viewing. If citizens of the world feel strongly about encounters with marine mammals, they should show enough courtesy and respect and make it their goal to visit them in their natural habitat.

At present, there are numerous atrocities carried out regarding cetaceans, yet little is done to protect them. Dolphin hunts in Taiji, Japan, removing of Killer Whales from the oceans, and such. The environments in which many cetaceans live are in jeopardy due to mankind's carelessness. Many institutions believe that by simply breeding and confining cetaceans to tanks we can conserve their species. 

As a citizen of Earth, I cringe at the thought that these institutions find this to be the solution. With the funds they receive via public/corporate donations, one would think that conserving the environment would be of paramount importance instead.

The breeding of captive cetaceans is by no means deemed as a 'successful' practice by many of the world's leading biologists and scientists. Each artificial insemination procedure brings on risks that certainly out-way the 'chance of success'.

We ask that you, members of congress, President of the United States and members of the NOAA take time to review the risks involved with captive cetacean breeding and exportation. We ask you to open your minds to life in 2014/2015 and understand that all animal atrocities occur due to single/multiple groups/organisations wanting to profit from the exploitation of the animals they associate themselves with.

We are responsible for the future. While viewing cetaceans in tanks may 'seem' like a great idea, the animals being viewed endure suffering for it. This has been documented countless times. Expecting these creatures to live their lives in captivity for our convenience is outrageous.

By keeping doors open to exportation of marine mammals/cetaceans from the U.S., the U.S. congress could, in essence, be held accountable for all risks that are involved, due to nothing being done to prevent these risks.

We ask you to understand that Earth belongs to all creatures, and each of them has their own right to live freely. Considering mankind created the degradation within our oceans, it is up to us to fix it. With technology as advanced as it is today, it can be done.

We ask you to deny requests for exportation of Dolphins/Whales to countries outside of the United States, regardless of whether institutions claim to own the animals they wish to export.

We ask you to consider the future. The digital world has taken over. Please help what's left of nature to remain natural. Introduce and enforce a ban on Dolphin/Whale exportation and ask wealthy organizations to turn their attention to assisting our oceans and natural environment instead. This would be true conservation, true education and worthy of the world's respect.

In conjunction with this petition, we ask that you also pay attention to the following petition: 


Update #5vor 8 Jahren
Only a few days left on this petition. Can we reach 8000, please?
Update #4vor 9 Jahren
SeaWorld are opposing the CCC's ban on breeding. This proves their intention to want to become a breeding facility. With enough signs on this petition we can stop them in their tracks, by preventing them from transporting their future orcas, making their want to breed non-viable and non-profitable. Please share this petition wherever you can. I have extended the delivery date to April 2016 to accommodate more signatures.
Update #3vor 10 Jahren
This petition will run until BILL #AB2140 is decided upon. If AB2140 does not succeed, our request may be the only hope in preventing SeaWorld expansion and the continued separation, transportation and suffering of cetaceans sent overseas only to be exploited for profit. Please push this where you can. There are more out there who agree with this petition. Let's find them.
Update #2vor 10 Jahren
The petition is doing well. Here's a 'Message to SeaWorld' video I made > < Feel free to share it if you like; it also contains a link to the petition. Regardless of views, I'll send it along to SeaWorld next week. Keep it up!
Update #1vor 10 Jahren

* #OpSeaWorld Storm Activated 19th Dec > UK 8pm, EST 3pm, CST 2pm, Germany 9pm.

* Watch Blackfish - CNN Films - 20th Dec, 7pm ET

* Please continue to share this petition.

* Please sign and share Ric O'Barry's petition >

* Support Blackfish Bill AB 2140 >

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