Stop the Senseless Deaths - Reduce Train Speed on Elephant Corridors in India
27th September in Bengal India, a beautiful female elephant was hit by an train, driving on tracks which cross elephant's natural corridors. Her injuries were horrific and she spent the next two days in total shock and extreme agony, until she finally succumbed to her injuries.
There are 21 train tracks running right through 88 elephant corridor routes in India. These routes are well known, as elephants stick to their corridors. Bengal has the most elephant train deaths in the entire country. There will be more deaths and injuries as long as a disregard for the protection of elephants in India exists and a disrespect for their natural corridors.
Freight on railway tracks throughout India accounts for the major contribution to the department's continued growth as evidenced below.
Indian Railway Revenues (Business Standard India)
The Minister for Railways boasts below, that "safety" is one the major concerns and a continued goal is, to improve India's railway safety. He boasts that safety-related accidents are declining in India.
There is no mention whatsoever of a safety strategy for India's elephants. This is evidenced by the continued incidences of horrific and unnecessary deaths to elephants on India's railway tracks.
For every elephant that is injured or killed, there is damage to the train engine, and there is a potential risk to the safety of passengers. Are these incidences and the costs incurred so insignificant, that they are not mentioned?
This petition will be sent to Minister of Railways India, Piyush Goyal and thr State Minister of Railways Angadi, Shri Suresh Channabasappa - demanding a response and corresponding action to be taken
Solutions for Consideration
This will have virtually zero cost to the government and could yield significant results:
1) Mandate the implementation of significantly reduced train speeds when crossing elephant corridors
2) Impose draconian fines for those drivers/companies that violate the speed limits, causing any injuries or deaths to elephants.
3) Impose prison sentences for those that repeatedly violate the speed limits.
SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION offering maximum benefit to elephants and other wildlife at risk on railway tracks throughout India
1) Build passages under the tracks that cross elephant corridors
2) Build sufficient passages so that elephants do not need to climb onto the tracks to cross railway tracks
ADVANTAGES to the Minister of Railways India and the State Minister of railways India.
1) This will demonstrate to the millions of people in India, appalled by the train deaths of elephants, that this situation is finally being taken seriously and being addressed
2) Millions of people in the international community, signatories of this petition, social media and the general media, watching India, will see that India is finally doing something to address the safety and welfare of wild elephants
3) This would capture the votes of a sizable portion of the local population - would help to keep the current Ministers in office.
The world is watching. India has a very poor record of elephant welfare. This applies to both wild and captive elephants. Do the right thing. Take measures to end the senseless slaughter of elephants on India's railway tracks. Reduce train speeds on elephant corridors.
Thank you for your careful consideration.
Piyush Goyal –;
Angadi, Shri Suresh Channabasappa -
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