HORSE SLAUGHTER HAS TO STOP! IT IS INHUMANE. Horses are sent to these auctions and mostly purchased for slaughtering, it is still happening. Now it has come to my attention that people are stealing horses!  There has been two stolen from two different farms within a mile from me.  A few years back, 2 men with a horse trailer came to our farm and wanted to purchase our horses because they were big and healthy. They said they would pay BIG BUCKS. Of course I unkindly said NO and I told them that I know exactly what they were doing with these horses, you are taking them to slaughter, they are sold by the pound! Horses are being stolen everyday around the united states for this purpose. STAY ON HIGH ALERT HORSE OWNERS, YOU COULD BE NEXT, CATCH THEM IN THE ACT! PLEASE sign this petition, lets get these thieves a Felony! Thank you for your support!

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