President Obama, Please Use Executive Action Now, Not At the End of Summer!

Undocumented immigrants desperately need help.  Heartache, heartbreak and struggle have been a part of millions of these aspiring Americans for WAY too long.

Those undocumented immigrants, who are not a threat to public safety, are kind, honest and hardworking.  They need to know the United States as their permanent home. They have waited enough, hurt enough and wept enough.  

Undocumented immigrants need a solution NOW, not the end of summer.  Little children and helpless babies have been torn from their families because of NO SOLUTION to fix their immigration problem: because there ISN'T a solution NOW for them.  

These undocumented families are cruelly labelled as "criminals" and treated like animals by those who don’t care to understand what these undocumented immigrants are going through.

Dear President Obama, please we are urging you to act on your own now. Not at the end of Summer.  Millions of undocumented immigrants are suffering because no one is willing to help


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