Demand an End to Rezoning 80 Mundy Road Rydal, GA

Randall and Linda Smith are wanting to have 80 Mundy Road rezoned from A-1 to R-1. A subdivision consisting of 143 homes on 77.92 acres. This property is located less than a 10th of a mile from Sosebee Bicycle Park.

The negative impact in this area will only continue.
The strain will be felt with Bartow County EMS, Schools, along with White Fire Department.
Q-Cell Solar Panel plant will be adding 2,000 employees after the 1,000+ construction workers have it completed.
286 +/- cars on Cass Pine Log Rd and adjoining country roads due to the purposed the 143 homes.
Not to mention those who have adjoining property to this subdivision.

There is also the negative environmental impact that also come with this.
Potential impact of ground water.
Displaced wildlife.

I'm asking those who live in and around Rydal/White community to join us in opposition of Z-24-00067, purposed 143 single family homes at 80 Mundy Rd.
Holidays are approaching, we get busy, things fall through the cracks. Please don't let this be one. Please contact the board members to let them know you oppose the purposed subdivision prior to the December 16th, 2024, meeting.
Let your voice be heard. We hope to see you there. The strength in numbers can and will be a powerful statement in itself.

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