Save Florida's Beaches!

Red tide took Florida by storm in 2018 and we are already seeing signs of its return in 2019.

Last year, we saw record-breaking death tolls for everything from manatees to sea turtles -- we can't let this happen again!

Instead of scenic sunsets, beachgoers were subjected to toxic algae and the remains of wildlife like whale sharks and pelicans.

The outbreaks have not only hurt local economies but have destroyed coastal ecosystems.

Researchers are concerned with the emptiness of Florida's beaches and reefs… and unfortunately, with rising temperatures, this issue is only getting worse.


The ocean is open for business like never before thanks to technology. Let's make sure we expand in a responsible and sustainable way. 

Help us pressure politicians to protect ocean life and coastal areas so they can be enjoyed for generations to come!

Update #2vor 5 Jahren
We're Almost There!!!

Summer is approaching and we are nearly at the 100k signature mark... meaning it's about time to bring the petition to Desantis and demand a response.

Thank you all so much for your support :) .
Update #1vor 6 Jahren
Thank you all so much for helping us get to 50k signers.

We can't wait to contact DeSantis and share all of your concerns and comments.

Together with Florida's state officials, we can save Florida's beaches and wildlife -- keeping our water clean for generations to come.

Please continue to share and donate so we can continue our efforts and get to 100k!
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