Don't Limit Local Rule on Plastic Bags in Texas
Texas House Bill 2416 aims to take away local cities rights to enact a plastic checkout bag ban or fee based ordinance as a way to help reduce plastic pollution. This bill would roll back the existing bag ordinances in Austin, Brownsville, Fort Stockton, Laguna Vista and South Padre Island. The bill language was recently introduced and is likely to be updated but we need you to petition Texas state legislators so they are aware of this BAD BAG BILL.
I am writing today to ask you to OPPOSE House Bill 2416. Texas House Bill 2416 aims to take away "home rule", or a local municipality's right to reduce plastic bag litter as they see fit. This dangerous bill could undo the work that many Texans have undertaken to address this environmental waste and reduce the blight to our beautiful communities.
I strongly oppose this bill and hope that, as my representative, you will vote against it in order to help preserve cities' rights. Coastal Texas cities and other sensitive areas sometimes need additional protection that local plastic bag ordinances can provide. I strongly believe in keeping Texas beautiful and allowing for local cities to take actions toward this end. Please OPPOSE House Bill 2416.
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