VICTORY We need laws regulating the use of deadly force against our family pets. VICTORY

  • empfänger:  The President of the United States The U.S. Senate The U.S. House of Representatives Your Governor Your State Senate Department of Health & Human Services (Kathleen Sebelius) Attorney General, Department of Justice (Eric Hold

Here is a copy of the Message from Idaho Representative Donna Pence:

Thank you for the message concerning the shooting of pets specifically, it seems, of dogs by law enforcement. We have a Springer Spaniel that is aggressive towards anyone who gets close to his vehicle when he is in it. He basically growls but has never offered to bite anyone from the car. I can see if an officer approached he might think this is an agressive dog. This should not be a shooting offense.

I have seen instances in the paper where I think officers have shot too soon and too many times. So I think your petition has some merit, if only to include some basic training in handling dog situations for police trainees. I would think that this should be standard and should be taught by individuals who are familiar with dogs and their behavior. There is the right way to deal with them without endangering the officer. The hard part will be to get any teeth into the law because it deals with a judgement call. I have been bitten by a dog while campaigning so I know one should be cautious when approaching dogs in their yards. Most are friendly and welcoming and if not you just back out and leave. This, however, is a different situation if the officer is investigating or serving a warrent as they need to do their job. There is not always a clear line between officer safety and over-reaction. That is where training and good judgement is so important.

I will call the Police Acadamy and see what their training is like concerning dogs. That would be the logical place to do the training as all officers end up going there for training in Idaho. I will also ask how they deal with lethal shootings of pets.


Rep. Donna Pence

This is excellent news!! Someone is listening and doing something about our Issue! Great work everyone - just a reminder to keep posting on facebook, twitter, emails, google + - whatever you use for social connections -

Thank you ALL so very much!

Lisa L. Byrd


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