50+ Billion Chickens Slaughtered Each Year

Chickens are complex creatures with the ability to think into the future and delay gratification.  Yet we kill 50 billion (more than this) each year for forgettable meals which do not mean much at all to us.

This must stop.

The chicken industry sees some birds being boiled to death with the male chicks being ground up to death while still alive, so we may consume eggs.

Please humanity.  The vegan alternatives to meat are so well done, even if you do not want to live without the styles of food you are accustomed to, you can still purchase them in their vegan form.

Please consider this and how you would feel if you were a chicken, brought up conditions so cramped, you cannot move:  or you are so pumped full of hormones, you grow too quickly to enable your body to support yourself...  You cannot reach your food or water anymore...  So you must lay in ammonia ridden ground, which burns your skin and eyes, waiting to die, having never been offered a moment of dignity or mercy from the so-called rational humans.

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