UK Grocery Stores: Please Become More Eco-Friendly and Ethical!!!!

  • von: Victoria Salter
  • empfänger: Lidl’s, Aldi, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Co-op, Marks and Spencer, Waitrose, ASDA and Iceland

Hello 👋,
Great change could be made to the world if the UK's largest and most well-known grocery stores made more of an effort to be more eco-friendly and ethical. While we will thank them for the changes and efforts already made, they could become even better. Here are some things that I would like to see put in place for the UK's grocery stores:
* A complete ban on all non-cruelty-free makeup, personal care products and household products. No animal-tested products, and no products with newly animal-tested ingredients.
* Go completely plastic-free. It may be more expensive, but plastic-free alternatives to plastic carrier bags, packaging and plastic bottles exist, so why not use them? Ocean animals get hurt and die as a result of plastic being in the oceans. Turtles and other animals can get plastic stuck on them, and animals can die from eating plastic. Those horrible six-pack/four-pack ringed things are very dangerous to animals. The production of single-use plastic also pollutes and harms the environment...
* A ban on all non-fairtrade, unethical bananas, chocolate and coffee.
* A complete ban on all products of child labour.
* More vegan options, including different vegan sandwiches and vegetable samosas.
* All unwanted, unsaleable, usable food, drinks and personal care products to be donated to the homeless and needy. This would reduce waste, help people and help the environment.
* A complete ban on all unethical, unsustainable palm oil and paper/wood products. Please ensure that only the most ethical and eco-friendly palm oil, paper and wood products are sold.
* Strict surveillance and active involvement in rescue of animals left in hot cars.
* Start selling ethical, healthy vegan dog food and treats.
* Donate all unwanted, unsaleable, usable animal food and products to animal shelters, pounds, police kennels and rescues.
* Aim for all fruit, veg and ready meals and ingredients to be British and organic where possible.
Who wants to be the first to implement all these changes and watch vegans, vegetarians, eco-friendly, ethical people and others who want to do good and do better flock to your supermarkets?
Thank you 😊.

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