Animals in the NYC ACC are being killed needlessly. This must be stopped! We will fight to save every dog and cat off death row until then!DescriptionThe Operating Procedures of All NYC Shelters,As the Status Quo is Unacceptable to Many and This Includes Me!! and PIT BULLS More Often then NOT are the VICTIMS? and it Seems That the Only Way to Actualy Succeed in Getting the ACC to Listen,Will be to Get Rid of the The Uncaring Executive Director the Afore Mentioned Julie Bank.And This is NOT Just about The Hundreds of Pit Bulls That Have BEEN KIL...LED in the Last 18 Months,But Every Single Dog or Cat That is HEALTHY and ADOPTABLE,Yet they will Be KILLED Despite the Fact That Someone Is On the PHONE To SAVE the DOGS!
The NYC Animal Care and Control (ACC) is a killing machine and many animals (specially pit bulls and other big dogs) stand NO CHANCE without our help! We need to make the media and the public aware of what is going on behind the ACC’s closed doors. Once an animal enters, chances are that animal will be dead within a few days. Sometimes, the animals are killed in error as well. This is inexcusable.

The slaughter in the NY. Staten Island and Brooklyn Shelters MUST .. stopped... We the people demand Julie Banks be fired now! We will not be silenced ever.. We WILL not give up the fight....The Animals have rights..feelings.. emotions and WE will win this fight....and keep on fighting forever until the killings stops... Julie Bank we ARE watching you!! We wont stop until you resign or are fired!!
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