Congress: Say NO to Neil Gorsuch!

  • von: Kailey L.
  • empfänger: United States Congress

On January 31, Donald Trump announced his Supreme Court nominee: Neil Gorsuch, Antonin Scalia clone. As the youngest court nominee in 25 years, Gorsuch could do much more than assist the Trump administration in pushing through its terrifying platform. It's possible he could shape politics for decades to come.

Gorsuch has a longtime history of favoring conservative ideological positions in cases. He strongly affirmed Hobby Lobby's ability to deny their employees healthcare based on "religious freedom." He does not believe in the right to die with dignity, and instead thinks those with chronic illness should suffer until death. Some suspect he will soon take a firm anti-choice stance, clarifying his stance on women's rights.

Perhaps the most concerning part of Gorsuch's nomination is that he will likely be a puppet for Donald Trump. He has continually stated that he believes U.S. courts have too much power. With Trump's repeated attempts to push unconstitutional executive orders, we need courts that are firm and will oppose him - not appease him or shy away from strong stances.

Sign now to tell Congress: we reject Neil Gorsuch as Supreme Court justice!

Dear [Decisionmaker],

If confirmed, President Donald Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, would be able to shape politics for years to come and will be instrumental in assisting the Trump administration in pushing through its terrifying platform.

Gorsuch has a long history of favoring conservative ideological positions in cases. He strongly affirmed Hobby Lobby's ability to deny their employees healthcare based on "religious freedom." He does not believe in the right to die with dignity, and instead thinks those with chronic illness should suffer until death. Some suspect he will soon take a firm anti-choice stance, clarifying his stance on women's rights.

Perhaps the most concerning part of Gorsuch's nomination is that he will likely be a puppet for Donald Trump. He has continually stated that he believes U.S. courts have too much power. With Trump's repeated attempts to push unconstitutional executive orders, we need courts that are firm and will oppose him - not appease him or shy away from strong stances.

I do not support Neil Gorsuch as the next Supreme Court Justice and I ask that you, as my elected representative, stand with me and do everything in your power to block his appointment.

[Your Comment]


[Your Name]
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