Keep Harmful Pesticide Roundup Out of Central Park

Nearly 40 million people visit Central Park each year and are unwillingly exposed to harmful chemicals. Roundup, the herbicide that has created superweeds, has been falsely marketed as a safe chemical for too long. Now, it's being used in Central Park. 

Roundup is the most used herbicide in the world, despite controversies over its safety.

Recent studies have shown just how much damage Roundup causes to both plants and animals. It damages DNA in agriculture, and leads to deformities in animals.  Tadpoles exposed to Roundup completely changed shape as they developed. Do we really want this in our parks? 

If that wasn't terrifying enough, scientists have found that Roundup spurs on Parkinson's and the first stages of cancer

We can't keep letting false advertising threaten our health. Demand that Mayor Bloomberg stops permitting the use of Roundup in Central Park!

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

I find the usage of Roundup in a prominent location like Central Park deeply unsettling. For years, Roundup has been markets as a friendly herbicide when clearly that is not the case. Roundup has a lasting and potentially lethal impact on the environment and people exposed to it. 

[Your comments here]

We deserve to know the truth about the chemicals being pumped into our earth, and we should not have to worry about our health while visiting Central Park. Please cease using Roundup in New York City.

[Your name] 

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