We want an official "Arrow" Video Game by Rocksteady Studios

  • von: Shahar.M
  • empfänger: Rocksteady Studios & Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Do you like the Batman Games?

we are the fans of the "Arrow" Series by "The CW".

and we want Rocksteady Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to take it to the next level by creating an official video game for us!

We are POSITIVE / 100% sure that if such a game would be released, it`s gonna be a success.

What we want in this game?

* Green Arrow Story
* Open world
* Many weapons
* Good graphics
* Batman Games Gameplay

You want to help us?

All you need to do, it's simple.
You need only to share this Petition in "Arrow" Forums/Facebook Pages/Websites/And more...

We Realy need your help!

Thank you!

Update #3vor 10 Jahren
Good job guys!
159 signtures, our first objective it's to get 5,000 signtures, after that, we need more 5,000.
Rocksteady studios want that a lot of people want to play it, not just 5,000.

Update #2vor 10 Jahren
Good Job Guys!
we are in 40 signtures, you think that we gonna past the 100 signtures?
Update #1vor 10 Jahren
the petition only a day and a half in this website, and we got already 22 signatures
that want Official Arrow Game!

we are need more signatures to get the Attention of Rocksteady Studios and Warner Bros.
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