Stop the Alleged Racism in Canada's Human Rights Commission!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions

In a shocking revelation, Canada's Human Rights Commission faces serious allegations of racial discrimination. Despite the fact that the organization is tasked with defending the rights of its citizens, reports allege its Black employees and employees of color experience a "hostile and racially charged workplace," where systemic anti-Black racism, sexism and systemic discrimination is rampant.

With the United Nations-affiliated Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions reviewing these allegations, it's time to call for urgent reforms.

Demand that the Global Alliance enforce stringent standards to ensure that Canada's Human Rights Commission is held accountable and transformed to truly protect all citizens equally.

This investigation has highlighted a grave failure within an institution that should embody fairness and equality. 

If the alliance downgrades Canada to "B" status, the commission would no longer have independent participation rights at the UN Human Rights Council. A downgrade would pressure the Canadian government to commit to genuine reforms within the Human Rights Commission, ensuring it no longer perpetuates the discrimination it is meant to fight.

Every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and institutions like the Canadian Human Rights Commission must lead by example. 

Sign this petition to urge the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions to take decisive action by downgrading Canada's rating if necessary reforms are not made. 

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