Declawing is amputation; it is not merely the removal of the claws. To declaw a cat, the veterinarian cuts off the last knuckles of a cat's paw – cutting through bone, tendons, skin and nerves. In a person, it is equivalent to amputating each finger or toe at the last joint. Declaw surgery can be an extremely painful procedure with associated health risks and complications such as infection. Declaw surgery can produce permanent lameness, pain or arthritis. Declawing is the same mutilating procedure for house cats or big cats.
We must stop declawing in Cats this is torture, please read the following statements about what is done with declawing your cats.
Declawing is amputation; it is not merely the removal of the claws. To declaw a cat, the veterinarian cuts off the last knuckles of a cat's paw – cutting through bone, tendons, skin and nerves. In a person, it is equivalent to amputating each finger or toe at the last joint.
Declaw surgery can be an extremely painful procedure with associated health risks and complications such as infection.
Declaw surgery can produce permanent lameness, pain or arthritis.
Declawing is the same mutilating procedure for house cats or big cats.