Shut down Happy Paws!

Just a few days ago, a story regarding the death of a puppy named Luca went viral through social media. Luca was said to be brought into this specific Happy Paws Pet grooming facility located at 12370 Edgemere Blvd Unit #108, El Paso, TX 79938, for a haircut. After being picked up by his owner, the pup was said to be in painful conditions. He was yelping in pain & his legs were limp. Staff tried to excuse the owners concern by saying that he was "just scared." Shortly after arriving to their home, Luca was unable to move, he began to bleed from his mouth & unfortunately passed away. A verified autopsy determined that the puppy died after being subjected to blunt force trauma while in Happy Paws care. Several other claims regarding the way that employees at Happy Paws Grooming Center abuse the animals that they take into their facility have been made. Horrible stories & even graphic images from personal experiences with this place flood their reviews yet the facility is still up & running? We have to put an end to this cruelty that is taking place right in front of our eyes. This facility cannot get away with murder! The bigger number of signatures, the higher the probability that this place will get shut down for good! 

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