STOP Animal ABUSE - NO MORE ELECTRIC prods and BULL Hooks on baby elephants!!!

Bears, elephants, tigers, and other animals do not choose to ride bicycles, stand on their heads, balance on balls, or jump through rings of fire. They don’t do these tricks because they want to but only because they are scared of the consequences. To perform these tricks the animals are forced to be beaten with whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, bullhooks, and other painful tools! “In many circuses, elephants are beaten, hit, poked, prodded, and jabbed with sharp hooks, sometimes until bloody!” If the animals don't listen, the circus trainers do all of those horrible things just for entertainment! Most of the animals from the circus are imported from their natural habitat and all that happens is torture.

Elephants lifestyle is extremely similar to ours. In many circuses elephants are forced to breed at the age of 8 years old! Once the elephant is born it has to be separated from its mother before even being weaned. The mother is tied up by all four legs so that when the trainers take away the baby elephant the mother doesn't attack them. The baby elephant is taken away and tied up for at least 23 hours a day! After the elephant gets older the beating process begins, the process is so brutal that some circuses are not aloud to have videos taken on a security camera!
During training the animals are beaten until bloody with electric prods,bull hooks and other torture devices.
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