MDHA, Let Your Employees Care for Stray Cats!

  • von: Freya H
  • empfänger: Nashville Metropolitan Development Housing Agency

Three community cats make their home in the Metropolitan Development Housing Agency's administration buildings in the James Cayce homes. These cats have been vaccinated and neutered. Now the agency is battling over whether employees should be allowed to continue feeding the cats simply because one. caught and killed a bird.

Other cities, such as St. Louis, "employ" community cats to control rodents. Yes, cats are going to prey on birds - but that is their instinct as predators. Regularly fed cats hunt less because they know that they can count on meals.

Removing the cats will result in the "vacuum effect," attracting cats that may be unneutered and will thus breed, which will lead to more hunting and killing of birds.

Please let the employees continue to feed Lizzie, Tux and Darcy. The best way to deal with community cats is to care for them.

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