Demand Stanisluas shelter follow the law and its own policy

The Stanisluas shelter located  in Modesto California continually violates the Hayden Act, Penel code & Food & Agricultural codes. Its time, we as a community of animals for humane care, come together to make the Stanislaus shelter come into the modern era of sheltering. Please help us save Turbo and the many dogs that have died and the many that may die if we don't stop this barbarian shelter NOW!

TURBO  A429912. SENIOR (7 years old). Intake March 2.

Turbo has been deteriorating in his kennel. He  had a bite incident with staff. Staff would not release the details of the "bite." Because of the "bite record", Turbo is black listed, he is invisible on the shelter website. 

Prior to the bite incident: per staff, they have been taking Turbo out to the grass DAILY, no incidents. So, it looks like the "bite" incident reported above might have been an isolated occurrence/triggered by that specific "victim". Also, per someone who met Turbo, "... he is a SWEET DOG. Headstrong but I didn't have an issue with him. SITS AND SHAKES FOR TREATS." "He wasn't kennel stressed!! He came right out on a leash!" Also, yet another person who met Turbo and introduced him to her dog, noted that turbo did just fine  

We are demanding the following changes be made

1. Stanisluas shelter to follow Haydens law  b) makes explicit that shelters, including public shelters, are "depositaries of living animals" (Civil Code secs. 1815, 1816) responsible for treating those animals "kindly" (Civil Code sec. 1834);

g) requires shelters to release animals to Internal Revenue Code sec. 501(c)(3) animal rescue and adoption groups that have requested an animal prior to his/her euthanasia (Food and Agricultural Code secs. 31108, 31752, 31752.5, 31753, 31754);

2. Black listed dogs be available for rescue before euthanasia 
3. Kill notices to go out 48 hours in advance rather than midnight before death date.
4. Once tagged by rescue after death notice has been distributed rather than only giving rescue until 1700 that same day to have the rescued animal LEAVE THE SHELTER said rescue shall have NO LESS THAN 3 business days to work out transportation logistics.
5. We demand shelter staff promote the animals in their care via social media, adoption events, and other advertisements.
6. We shall expect from here on out that shelter staff members be held to a code of conduct and professionalism typical of any staff that works with the public so as to encourage volunteer retention / community engagement.
7.  Before any animal is euthanized (with proper notice) shelter staff shall be required to check emails, voicemails, and any other means of communication to ensure that they are not in violation of the Hayden Act by killing an animal that has been tagged by rescue.
8. Shelter shall contract with an animal behaviorist to provide thorough, comprehensive training to shelter staff on proper evaluations.


The US animal shelters have been celebrating a silver lining amid the global pandemic. For the first time ever, the animal shelters have shortage of pets, because the communities stepped in to foster/adopt the shelter animals. Many dogs and cats have been blessed with new homes and loving care. Unfortunately, TURBO is not one of them. 💔 
Read Turbo's story at: 

This senior (7 years old) boy has been stuck in a tiny kennel, he can barely open his eyes, his hope is fading and his spirit is broken. How is he able to hang on life? He has been abandoned by his family, brushed off by the shelter staff, and deprived of kindness, physical and mental stimulation for months.😥

BUT, Turbo is not forgotten and he has HOPE! If we come forward together and act as one, Turbo may have a chance!  🌈🙌♥️

The Stanislaus (SASA) Rescue Support Team banded together with a few proactive rescues to request a hearing for Turbo with an attorney advocating for him. Following the 5-hour long court hearing that was held on May 1, 2020, Turbo is now awaiting the verdict. 
To support Turbo during this rough time of uncertainty WE NEED YOUR HELP. PLEASE SIGN TO DEMAND THAT THE SHELTER:


REQUEST that the shelter allows the trainer of our choice to take Turbo out regularly while he is awaiting the Hearing Officers' decision.
The trainer who assessed Turbo on April 30th can be viewed on video at link and he also testified at hearing that Turbo is NOT a dangerous or vicious dog. See video at:

Turbo's attorney has submitted a request to allow our trainer to simply take Turbo outside, and let him breathe the fresh air and play in the green grass while in the custody of SASA. Such a small and simple request shouldn't trouble them even the slightest. Yet, the shelter has ignored this request.  Per the shelter staff, the shelter "provides all animals in its charge, with necessary and prompt veterinary care, nutrition, and shelter and treats them kindly as required by law. Civ. Code 1834."  Keeping Turbo locked up in those terrible conditions for months is completely inhumane. The shelter is clearly at fault for not providing Turbo with the minimum of humane shelter care that a dog should be afforded. 
In gauging whether the treatment of animals in specific situations is humane, the ASPCA considers whether or not the animals' physiological, behavioral, social and emotional needs are fully met. These evaluations are made within the context of what are commonly known as the Five Freedoms:
The shelter has not provided Turbo with any of these Five Freedoms.
Furthermore, per the shelter animals must be provided with a quiet clean space, fresh air, natural light, enrichment activities, and positive human interaction. Turbo has not been given any of these basic rights. The shelter is responsible for the mismanagement and inhumane treatment of Turbo.


REQUEST that the shelter releases Turbo to his rescue. The rescue has already arranged a certified training facility to rehabilitate, train Turbo and set him up for success at his new home. We demand that Turbo is released to his rescue. Pursuant to California Food and Agricultural Code Section 31108 (b) an animal facility is prohibited by law to kill him/her if a rescue interest is in place. UC Davis staff added a Sixth Freedom, Freedom from euthanasia. " There is one freedom that is not listed in the five above, and this underlies the tendency for many shelters to find their capacity chronically overwhelmed. That is the freedom from euthanasia for animals that are neither suffering irremediably nor dangerous to the community.
TURBO's behavior does not meet the definition of "dangerous" or vicious" that was clearly shown at the hearing. The simple facts were presented that TURBO and another shelter dog (unneutered male) were allowed to fence fight and the shelter handler lost her balance ( admitted to in testimony at the hearing) where the only harm that came to her was a scrape on her ear not requiring stiches and the Dr. released her to be able to back to work that same day. TURBO has no previous other incidents on his record!

Turbo was failed by society and failed by the SASA process, but he would not be failed by the amazing animal community that has followed his story.Thank you🙌

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