Allow Leashed Dogs on GO Transit - Ontario, Canada

Dogs are not allowed to travel on GO Transit, A Division of Metrolinx unless they are crated or if the dog is a licensed service dog. The explanation for this policy is "due to liability reasons and for the safety of our customers". This policy does not serve GO customers and is short sighted. Crating a dog is unrealistic because some dogs may be too large to crate in portable crates and are too heavy and owners will struggle to carry them or if they are crated, there is no place to store the crate when the owner arrives at their destination. Leashed dogs are allowed to travel on the TTC, allowing dog owners to travel within the city without a car. With the growth of the GTA and excessive traffic congestion, GO Transit customers need to be able to move across the city and into surrounding communities without using a car. GO Transit could designate a car or two at the front of the train as "Dog Free", restrict leashed dogs to the first level, or find another solution that would address liability and safety concerns. We want GO Transit to review its Dog Policy and establish a policy that allows customers to travel with their dog.
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Great news.... Metrolinx spokesperson claims that they are reviewing their dog policy. Keep spreading the word, we are making a difference!
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