Help Save Fugitive Cows from Slaughter by Sending Them to a Sanctuary

The Anderson Custom Pack made headlines when a 1,000 pound heifer jumped a 6-foot fence at the meat processing plant and led local police on a wild chase. One bullet was not stronger than this cow's will to live. But a second a bullet to her head killed her instantly.

A few days after the incident, more of Anderson Custom Pack's cows went missing. Another cow was also fatally killed, and the other animals were recaptured and returned to the meat plant.

A nonprofit, Farm Sanctuary, has stepped in, and they want to give the fugitive cows a second chance. A chance to live freely and happily on 300-acres with 350 other rescued cattle in a California shelter.

As reported in Idaho Statesman, Susie Coston, the national shelter director, explained:

"The processing plant expressed concern for the cows, one of whom is pregnant. It's cold outside, and they're worried that the animals are tired, hungry and thirsty, so we're hoping they will work with us to bring them to sanctuary. It would be a happy ending for everyone involved, but especially for the cows, who want nothing more than to simply enjoy the one life they get, just like we do."

Anderson Custom Pack is already receptive to the idea. Here's our chance, Care2 members, to give them the extra push to do the right thing by saving these innocent animals from slaughter and letting them live out the rest of their days peacefully.

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