Karantina slaughterhouse was Beirut's largest slaughterhouse. It was also a hell on earth for livestock from Europe, South America, and for illegally imported Australian cattle and sheep. The atrocities committed here by human beings were the worse Compassion In World Farming had ever seen. Here everybody could see human beings at their most savage. http://www.ciwf.org.uk/news/2014/11/horrific-abattoir-closed/
Last week Karantina Slaughthouse was closed down due to another damning food scandal. However, it will be re-opening in a few weeks time. Please print out the following letter, adding your name and address, and send it to the Lebanese Embassy in London.
Their address is Lebanese Embassy, 15 Palace Gardens Mews, London, W8 4RB. Or you can email it to them at; info@lebaneseembassyuk.org. Thank you.
Dear Sir/Madam
Although I was delighted to be informed by Compassion In Word Farming that Karantina Slaughterhouse, Beirut has been closed down, I was distressed to be informed it will re-open in the near future.
I must urge the Lebanese government to never re-open this appalling slaughterhouse.
The brutal treatment of cattle and sheep from the EU has shocked the world. There are laws in the EU protecting cattle and sheep exported outside the EU. It is illegal to send cattle and sheep to foreign slaughterhouses that do not comply with international humane slaughter laws.
The EU is acting illegally and has never been held accountable for breaching these animal welfare laws regulating the live export industry.
These animals have been utterly betrayed by the EU.
Cattle and sheep from the EU endure a long and cruel journey before being brutally slaughtered in Lebanon. How you treat animals can only be described as medieval.
The live export industry is Europe's shame and proves Europe's treatment of livestock has not improved since the medieval ages. In fact conditions for European livestock are a lot worse today than they were in the medieval ages.
It is vital the Lebanese government plays its part in ending this vile trade. Conditions in Lebanese slaughterhouses must be modernised. New laws must be introduced to make pre slaughter stunning compulsory.
The brutal treatment of international livestock in Karantina Slaughterhouse has caused international outrage. By re-opening this brutal slaughterhouse you will once again draw attention to the sickening treatment of livestock in your country.
How a nation treats its animals will ultimately determine how human beings will be treated. The war in Syria and Iraq is a terrible human tragedy. The atrocities being committed by the so-called Islamic State have been sickening and savage beyond imagination.
The beheadings, mass murder and the sickening violence inflicted upon human beings has been the most extreme since Word War Two. The people committing these crimes are slaughtering their victims the same way as they slaughter their livestock.
It is not healthy for a nation to witness or to allow this sort of inhumane treatment of livestock. A nation that becomes indifferent to violence being inflicted upon animals will ultimately become indifferent to human violence.
The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy put it perfectly; 'As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.'
Shame on Lebanon. Keep Karantina Slaughterhouse shut.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Omri Hussain
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