Hershey’s, Mars, and Nestlé still use child slavery to produce their chocolate!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Hershey’s, Mars, and Netstlé

While they claim otherwise, major chocolate producers continue to use dangerous and exploitative child labor. As Halloween approaches, it is more important than ever that we demand these highly profitable companies stop relying on child slavery to make their chocolate.

Sign now to demand that corporations like Hershey's, Mars, and Nestlé end their use of child labor and produce chocolate ethically!

All child labor should be outlawed, but we know that cocoa production is one of the most dangerous forms of child labor. While working on cocoa farms, young children are exposed to dozens of different toxic pesticides and expected to move hundreds of pounds of bean pods, as well as use machetes and other dangerous equipment. Often, they are expected to start work at sunrise and work late into the evening in these horrific conditions. Many of these exploited children are forced into this work because of poverty, and as a result, do not attend school or go many months without seeing their family. 

Under pressure from consumers, these companies have claimed to source cocoa ethically, but investigative journalism has repeatedly shown us otherwise. Illegal child labor is rampant on West African farms where chocolate companies source their cocoa, and American companies continue to engage in unjust and shady practices.

In 2020 alone, Hershey's made 3.7 billion dollars in profit. How much of that money was made off of the backs of West African children?

The U.S. Supreme Court recently showed that it is unconcerned with child slavery practices. It is up to us to put pressure on these companies and tell them: we will not buy chocolate made from child slaves! Sign to demand these companies end the inhumane use of child labor now! If you'd like to take your action one step further this Halloween and beyond, use the Food Empowerment Project's list of recommended chocolates based on where and how their cocoa is sourced.
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