Nine Monkeys Mysteriously Died in Two Days at This Zoo. Demand Urgent Action.

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Hong Kong authorities
In only two days, nine monkeys died at the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens. Three of them belonged to a critically endangered species.

While the cause of their deaths remains a mystery, one thing is for certain: we must protect other animals now, while authorities should conduct an investigation. Sign the petition now!

The first eight monkeys were all discovered dead on the same day, a recent Sunday, with the additional - and ninth - death following on the next day.

Despite the zoo's efforts to investigate the causes of these deaths through necropsies and toxicological tests, the lingering question remains: what conditions allowed this tragedy to unfold? So far, all we know is that the monkeys had displayed "unusual behavior" and changes to their appetites.

The zoo claims that all 80 other animals held in the facility's gardens are in "normal condition," but how can we be certain until we know what's really going on and what impacted these nine monkeys? The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. We must act swiftly to prevent further loss of life.

Sign this petition to demand a thorough investigation and the urgent removal of the remaining animals to a safe sanctuary where they can thrive and receive the compassionate care they deserve.
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