Petco & PetSmart: Stop Selling Birds

Please sign: We need Petco and PetSmart to stop selling birds. Retail sale of birds promotes the suffering of millions of individuals, who are kept in conditions unsuitable to express their natural behaviors, released outdoors to die, or relinquished to overburdened and unprepared shelters.

Whether the bird is wild-caught or captive-bred, their welfare in captivity is frequently poor. It is very difficult to meet the needs of these intelligent, highly social, flight-adapted animals in a home environment. Sadly, many natural parrot behaviors are often the very ones that lead to relinquishment or abuse of the bird.

It is simply impossible for Petco and PetSmart to conduct the necessary screening, education, and post-placement follow-up and support that rescue groups typically engage in when they place birds in private homes.

Here are some of the common fates faced by birds purchased in retail pet stores:

  • Spend the bulk of their days confined to a cage incapable of accommodating flight and other natural behaviors.
  • Released outside, where they will soon perish, when their purchasers tire of them.
  • Relinquished to shelters that are already overwhelmed with unwanted animals.

Petco and PetSmart first eliminated the sale of dogs and cats, then rabbits and larger species of birds, such as cockatoos, macaws, and African greys, due to ethical concerns. Now, it's time to take the next step.

At a time when many companies are focusing on sustainability and social responsibility, Petco and PetSmart should recognize the sale of captive birds is incongruent with those goals and will commit to ending all bird sales by 2025.

Promote this critical petition: #NotForSale, #NationalBirdDay

Avian Welfare Coalition (AWC) celebrates its 21st year of National Bird Day on January 5, 2023, a day of action and education for captive birds. AWC was formed in 2000 to raise awareness about the plight of parrots and other captive birds and serve as an educational resource for the humane community, lawmakers, and the public. More information about the AWC available at

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