Loro Parque: Free Morgan, the "Suicidal" Killer Whale!

  • von: Julie S.
  • empfänger: Mr. Wolfgang Kiessling, owner of Loro Parque, Mr. Javier Almunia, Head of Research Loro Parque, Martijn van Dam, State Secretary for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands, and Mr. Joel Manby, CEO of SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment

Famous captive killer whale Morgan recently made worldwide headlines by beaching herself on a concrete slab in a possible suicide attempt. Just weeks prior to this incident, video showed Morgan thrashing in frustration and banging her head repeatedly against the metal gate of her tank. Morgan desperately needs voices from around the world to stand up for her and demand her freedom immediately.

Since Morgan was captured from the wild in 2010, every moment she has lived seems like a nightmare. For 18 months, Morgan was confined to a tank in a Dutch theme park so small she could not even exhibit normal body posture. She was then moved to another entertainment venue, Loro Parque, where she currently resides in the Canary Islands.

Since her arrival at Loro Parque, her life has become astonishingly even more miserable. Her body is covered in hundreds of puncture and bite wounds from other orcas who continually harass and attack her. The other orcas at Loro Parque were all born in captivity and do not view Morgan as part of their family. She is often locked in a tank with an adult male who sexually coerces her even though she is too young for breeding. Visitors have reported that trainers ignore Morgan's cries for attention and help, even when she is being viciously attacked.

Given the horrific level of abuse she has had to endure, it is perhaps not surprising that Morgan has self-inflicted wounds and has worn her teeth down by chewing on concrete, placing her at high risk of a potentially deadly infection. If Morgan were in nature, she would cover thousands of miles of ocean with her family. Instead, she now floats lethargically in what has been referred to as her "concrete coffin," and performs demeaning circus acts for food.

Leading orca experts from across the world have developed a detailed plan for Morgan's release into a sea pen, and eventually into the wild. They believe they have located Morgan's original family, whom she may easily be able to rejoin. If not, it is likely that another pod of orcas would adopt her. Other orcas have been successfully rehabilitated into the wild after many years in captivity- and there is no reason that Morgan should not be returned to a free life.

It breaks my heart to see such a magnificent creature imprisoned and so horrifically abused. It is Morgan's birthright to be free, and no human being should have the right to contain her for profits. Morgan desperately needs as many voices as possible to stand up for her right now. Please sign and share my petition, adding your own polite comments, demanding that Morgan be released immediately- her life depends on it!

Dear Mr. Kiessling, owner of Loro Parque, Mr. Almunia, Head of Research Loro Parque, Mr. Martijn van Dam, State Secretary for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands, and Mr. Manby, CEO of SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment,

I was shocked and horrified to see that famous captive killer whale Morgan recently made worldwide headlines by beaching herself on a concrete slab in a possible suicide attempt. Just weeks prior to this incident, video showed Morgan thrashing in frustration and banging her head repeatedly against the metal gate of her tank.

I have seen news reports stating that Morgan’s body is covered in hundreds of puncture and bite wounds from other orcas who continually harass and attack her. I was outraged to learn that she is often locked in a tank with an adult male who sexually coerces her even though marine mammal experts state that she is too young for breeding. Visitors have reported that trainers ignore Morgan’s cries for attention and help, even when she is being viciously attacked. I am aware that keeping Morgan with orca who continually attack her is a violation of the USA Animal Welfare Act.

I find it heartbreaking that Morgan has self-inflicted wounds and has worn her teeth down by chewing on concrete, placing her at high risk of a potentially deadly infection. If Morgan were in nature, she would cover thousands of miles of ocean with her family. Instead, she now floats lethargically in a concrete enclosure, and performs demeaning circus acts for food.

Leading orca experts from across the world have developed a detailed plan for Morgan’s release into a sea pen, and eventually into the wild. Through research matching her vocalizations to that of other orcas, they believe they have located Morgan’s original family, whom she may easily be able to rejoin. If not, it is likely that another pod of orcas would adopt her. Other orcas have been successfully rehabilitated into the wild after many years in captivity- and there is no reason that Morgan should not be returned to a free life.

It breaks my heart to see such a magnificent creature imprisoned and reportedly abused. I believe that it is Morgan’s birthright to be free, and no human being should have the right to contain her for profits or any other excuse. The public no longer wants to see these majestic animals so miserable in captivity. Please be a leader in the emergence of an era that is showing respect to all life by allowing Morgan freedom immediately.

[Your comments]


[Your name]

Update #4vor 5 Jahren
Morgan's case was recently heard by a judge in the Netherlands, but we will not hear a verdict until at least July 10th, 2019. If you want to do more to help, please consider a donation to the Free Morgan Foundation's GoFundMe Campaign if you are able. The organization needs help to cover the legal costs associated with its work: https://www.gofundme.com/give-morgan-the-orca-a-voice-in-court?fbclid=IwAR2YR4_qr3ol4SHbHWs4D2WE0wPGxpSjmABL8A_n9212i-8rmRn594OABSw. Thank you for your compassion!
Update #3vor 7 Jahren
We have received word from Loro Parque that they have noticed our petition. However, in order to convince the facility's authorities that the public no longer wants to see animals in captivity, we need to gather even more signatures. Please continue to share the petition with your friends. Thank you so much for helping Morgan!
Update #2vor 7 Jahren
Two weeks ago today famous killer whale Tilikum died in a tank - never returning to a natural life or the freedom of the ocean. I don't want to see Morgan live and die the same way. In honor of Tilikum, please share this petition. If each one of you can get just one other person to sign, we will be close to 100,000 signatures and can get Morgan's case greater public attention. Thank you for your compassion.
Update #1vor 8 Jahren
Thank you so much for signing this petition to free Morgan. Your signatures have been sent to the petition targets. Please keep sharing this petition with your friends and family. I will resend the signatures when we reach 50,000, and again when we reach higher numbers. With enough public outcry, I do believe that the animal entertainment industry will change its practices. Thank you again for your compassion, and please keep sharing!
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