Save Lake Topanemus!

               We have an environmental duty. Lake Topanemus Freehold NJ and the surrounding watershed must be preserved for future generations
For over 35 years, Lake Topanemus has been considered eutrophic by the NJDEP and other sources.
In short, this means that the lake is oversaturated with nutrients and will slowly turn the lake into a swamp
Root causes are phosphorous, nitrogen and other man made chemicals up stream; namely a cocktail of chemical lawn fertilizers and pesticides. Algae bloom has natural seasonal cycles. Oxygen and temperature play a role; in the summer, green stuff grows. Numerous subject matter experts have studied and analyzed this over the years; all data points to man made recurrent bloom.
The method, used in the past, dumped three different herbicides into the lake.; ten different times. Aquatic Pesticde has risk to the eco system
Aquatic pesticides have an effect on the wildlife throughout the entire food chain. Additionally, these chemicals don't attack the root of the problem. Aquatic Pesticide mask root causes of internal sediment and influent load.
We support comprehensive natural mitigation techniques, through sustained management.
There are numerous natural mitigation techniques that will be more effective than chemicals. 
 Through sustained management plan and methods such as storm water mangement, dredging, education, weed harvesting, aeration, influent controls, and the addition of NJDEP approved carp, we can make a difference
Save the Lake through natural means. This issue plays out globally everyday!
The people have a duty; we will preserve Lake Topanemus and its surrounding watershed for future generations. The lake isn't just home to its various inhabitants, it's the home of the hearts and souls of many.
Please sign today and make a difference.  Thank you.

Update #5vor 6 Jahren


ASSEMBLY, No. 3764 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 218th LEGISLATURE INTRODUCED APRIL 5, 2018 Sponsored by: Assemblyman ERIC HOUGHTALING District 11 (Monmouth) Assemblywoman JOANN DOWNEY District 11 (Monmouth) SYNOPSIS Permits stocking of triploid grass carp in waterbodies under certain circumstances.
Update #4vor 7 Jahren
Senator Jennifer Beck met with stakeholders at the lake. Her leadership is invaluable. Positive communication is happening.

Please thank Senator Beck.

Please share the good news on social media. Please keep the signatures coming. Thank you.
Update #3vor 7 Jahren
Lake Topanemus Commission Meeting
Next Meeting is: 16 August 2017
The Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
at Freehold Borough Hall.
51 West Main Street
Freehold NJ 07728

Subject: Weed Harvesting Boat
Monmouth County Wide Shared Program Proposal for 30 lakes
Please Support by attending Lake Meeting
and write
Monmouth County Freeholder THOMAS A. ARNONE

Thank you. Please share. Public support matters!
Update #2vor 7 Jahren
GOOD NEWS: Lake Commission Voted NO to Aquatic Herbicides in 2017!

Please keep the comments coming! Thank you
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Thank you! Please pass on our efforts on all social media. This is a local issue with global implications. Together we can make a difference!
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