We must make every effort so that the Seropédica cougar is not sacrificed and that an adequate destination is found, which takes into account its quality of life.
A wildlife refuge or landowner with the authorization and capacity to build and maintain a large and safe enclosure in the wild will be able to shelter the puma.
A recent report by Ana Lucia Azevedo, from the newspaper O Globo, told Brazil about the sad story of a puma that was rescued full of parasites, dehydrated and malnourished, weighing only 18 kilos (well below the 53 to 72 kilos that a male such as he can reach into adulthood). And, for all his sins, carrying the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). She lived who knows how long imprisoned in a chicken coop and today she spends her days in a small enclosure at Ibama's Wild Animal Screening Center (Cetas) in Seropédica, in the state of Rio.
Five's journey of testing and overcoming will serve as an inspiration to countless children and young people, who will become the environmental defenders of tomorrow. If the Seropédica puma is sacrificed, the Brazilian State will be setting a bad example for current and future generations.
Update #4vor 1 Jahren
144 signatures to date. Thanks to all signing, and sharing so far. Please share on Facebook, Petitionsite, Twitter, Instagram.... Thanks, Ruth (elsalioness) Animal
Update #3vor 1 Jahren
109 signatures to date. Thanks to all signing, and sharing so far. Please share on Facebook, Petitionsite, Twitter, Instagram.... Thanks, Ruth (elsalioness) Animal Conservationist.
Update #2vor 1 Jahren
Thanks to all signing, and sharing petition already.
We now have 91 signatures. Please continue to share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram....
Thanks, Ruth aka Elsalioness, Animal Conservationist.
Update #1vor 1 Jahren
Thanks to all signing, and sharing petition already.
We now have 35 signatures. Please continue to share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram....
Thanks, Ruth aka Elsalioness, Animal Conservationist.