Boycott Live with Kelly Ripa and it's sponsors for misrepresentation of Pitbulls

LIVE with Kelly and Michael
To the Producers, Sponors and General Talent of the aforementioned television show.

We, your audience, past and present, hereby request, DEMAND, an apology and education for Ms. Ripa for her comments regarding Pit Bull dogs and their owners. She stated that Pit Bulls are dangerous and that "THUGS" owned Pit Bulls.

We are not thugs but your audience, your buyers, your ratings and as such, we deserve an apology.

Ms. Ripa, in her statement, perpetuating the stereotype, thereby allowing other audience members who have never interacted with the breed to assume she had first hand knowledge of their demeanor and makeup. The correct terminology is "Breed Specific" and it targets so called dangerous breeds. As Pit Bull owners we know this is not true. Not all Pit Bulls are dangerous and most are loving members of families.

Ms. Ripa is using her position in the public eye to influence others. Unless she is educated about the breed she will continue to spread untruths.

We are asking that A) She be educated B) That she volunteer her time to a Pit Bull Rescue C) That she and/or the Sponors of "LIVE" donate monetarily to the Pit Bull cause of rescue, education and rehabilitation.  D) Help with stopping Breed-specific legislation (BSL) bans or restricts certain types of dogs based on their appearance because they are perceived as “dangerous” breeds or types of dogs.

We do not wish to have an empty apology, we want education, without education and an on air apology it means nothing.
Thank You for understanding our devotion to these wonderful pets that are so misunderstood.

The Pit Bull Community

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