Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the Bowmanville Zoo of Canada to stop exploiting their animals like baby lions and tigers for the purpose of fan entertainment. Recently, several sports teams like the Toronto Blue Jays' worked with their local zoo for the purpose of "borrowing" some young animals as a ploy to "spice up" the pregame activities. This is such a cruel practice for the animals, despite how cute and cuddly they may appear. Do not put animals in such stressful situations for the purpose of entertainment and exploitation.
The Toronto Blue Jays are not the first sports team with the idea that a wild animal would add to the entertainment of fans during a pregame festivity. Another team in another country did the same thing with a live, majestic adult lion. However, animal advocates such as PETA would tell you clearly that it is poor practice for these animals.
The Toronto Blue Jays made an agreement with the Bowmanville zoo in Canada to bring two of their young animals, a tiger cub and lion cub to the playing field as an exhibit for the fans during the pregame activities. However, people such as PETA, who are the most concerned and educated about the care and well-being of these little guys believe such a practice is “inadvertently supporting cruelty and neglect” of the animals involved and demanded in a letter that team officials make the clubhouse an animal-free zone. PETA is known as the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and have the animals best interest at heart, saying that the use of these animals in such a stressful situation is an exploitative stunt that is cruel and dangerous for them.
The sports team and even the zoo personnel dismisses the concerns of PETA as "stupid stuff," saying that not everyone can be pleased or happy. In fact, a Mr. Buehrle stated that “I think this is pretty dumb that we bring these tigers, and people are sitting there saying animal abuse and all this other crap. You can’t please everybody. Some people think it’s cool, and some people just want to mouth off and say stupid stuff. It don’t bother me at all." It is sad that the actual care and impact of the animals is not taken into consideration when looking to promote entertainment for the fans. Surely most people love to view an animal, especially the young but you can bet that most of those fans would also disagree with this situation if they were aware of the stress and harm this causes those animals.
What is also disturbing is that the Bowmanville Zoo favors the views of the sports team while accusing such an organization as PETA as “animal apartheid." Those that are closest to the animals and how they are raised were disturbed, stating that “most” baby animals kept in private zoos are taken from their mothers soon after birth, housed in small cages and exploited for photo opportunities. Certainly zoos, the staff and handlers of the animals should understand their dynamics and upbringing so as to not put them into such stressful situations.
Although there has been some clashing between the zoo officials and PETA, all involved need to have the animals best interest at heart. You would think that the individuals running a zoo would share the same morals and views as those of PETA since they are sharing the same type of business; the care and well-being of animals. As spokesman for PETA stated, the goal is in “providing quality animal care and, by extension, caring for the planet, which is central to our philosophy.”
Let's encourage better support in this effort from the Bowmanville zoo; Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get the Bowmanville Zoo of Canada to stop exploiting their animals like baby lions and tigers for the purpose of fan entertainment. Recently, several sports teams like the Toronto Blue Jays' worked with their local zoo for the purpose of "borrowing" some young animals as a ploy to "spice up" the pregame activities. This is such a cruel practice for the animals, despite how cute and cuddly they may appear. Do not put animals in such stressful situations for the purpose of entertainment and exploitation.
Bowmanville Zoo Officials - It has been clear that you clash with the causes and efforts of PETA which has the welfare of the animals as a number one goal. It is kind of disturbing that you do not share those same views as directors and officials of a zoo full of wild creatures from around the world. The animals are often set in a fair safe setting for a calm viewing by the public to learn about them and their history; bringing them into unfamiliar areas for entertainment purposes is highly stressful for the animals. Despite the request of these sports clubs, do not put any of your animals in such a situation that creates for them undue stress while putting them and those around them in harm's way! They are wild animals with wild instincts when in frightening conditions. Work with PETA, not against them and what they stand for when it comes to the health and well-being of animals!
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