Close the fur farm in Rahden/ Nordrhein Westfalen in Germany now!!!

In Rahden / North Rhine Westphalia exists the last fur farm in Germany. Although the keeping conditions for the animals are catastrophic and mean endless suffering until the gruesome death from gas poisoning, the owner got the permission to continue the torturing of the animals until 2022.

Sign this petition so we can put an end to this horror and shut down this fur farm for good.

No one should enrich themselves through animal suffering and I think this owner belongs in prison. I still do not understand why some humans take the liberty of determining which animals we love, which one we eat and which animals we skin while being alive. Who gives us the right to do so? Just because animals do not speak in the language we understand. Maybe we are the breed that is too stupid to understand them. Give every animal your voice and cry out for them. Animals should not be born to end up as a fur coat for some heartless narcisist.

The target of this petition is the fur farm in Rhaden. Deutsche Terschutzbüro is already fighting to close this hell for animals for good.

Update #1vor 6 Jahren
According to reports from the German Veterinary Office, the minks were taken away from the farm of horror and this animal hell finally got closed. Many thanks for the numerous signatures and the support I could get from the many animal loving people.
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