Change the name of Roosevelt Island back to Minnehanonck

Roosevelt Island was originally called Minnehanonck & subsequently named after Franklin Delano Roosevelt who was a racist. He signed Executive Order 9066 which put the Japanese into internment camps. To add injury to insult, the name was taken away from the Native American people who were slaughtered by the American settlers. Change the name back & serve justice.
Update #2vor 7 Jahren
Because of Mayor DeBlasio's formation of a cultural committee, I thought it important to begin a new petition so that FDR Drive could be changed & the honorable Mayor & his committee could look at Roosevelt Island again.

Please find the new petition here:
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
I want to thank people who signed this with sincerity.

For the people who I've angered, I ask how would you feel if your grandfather was interred by the great racist FDR? And your mother's ancestors land was named after this person?

I'm hoping people will open their hearts & understand how it feels to walk past the tram & see the reminder of everything you've lost. It would be a great service to the great people of NYC to wipe away this stain & rename the island to right the wrongs committed.
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