Bring the R-Line to Cameron Village!

The R-Line, a free CAT bus service that loops through downtown Raleigh, is targeted for review, including possible changes to the route. Established 2009, the three-mile loop served as an incentive for tourists to visit much of what downtown offers easily and at no cost. The R-Line has morphed into an integral component of the downtown mix however its route has not changed to reflect the growth in the population and expansion of the downtown footprint.

The Cameron Village area, already a dense downtown population, is experiencing the addition of approximately one thousand new apartments, due to come on line through Fall 2014. Bringing the R-Line to Cameron Village would offer CV area residents access to downtown and offer Downtown residents access to grocery, retail and services.

The city’s new downtown plan will review the service; it is expected to be completed this fall. Could this be the opportunity to include Cameron Village in the R-Line route? Join the conversation & sign this petition!

Dear Mayor Nancy McFarlane, the Raleigh City Council and the Capital Area Transit,

The R-Line, a free CAT bus service that loops through downtown Raleigh, is targeted for review, including possible changes to the route. Established 2009, the three-mile loop served as an incentive for tourists to visit much of what downtown offers easily and at no cost. The R-Line has morphed into an integral component of the downtown mix however its route has not changed to reflect the growth in the population and expansion of the downtown footprint.

The Cameron Village area, already a dense downtown population, is experiencing the addition of approximately one thousand new apartments, due to come on line through Fall 2014. Bringing the R-Line to Cameron Village would offer CV area residents access to downtown and offer Downtown residents access to grocery, retail and services.

The city’s new downtown plan will review the service; it is expected to be completed this fall. Could this be the opportunity to include Cameron Village in the R-Line route? 

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