Ginger loving dog

Ginger is a 4 year old American Staffordshire Terrier, she is a wonderful pet and family dog. For those who know her; love her. She plays at the park, takes walks, goes to visit others and their dogs. She welcomes anyone into her home; she may check you out and sniff you but who doesn't do that? She is being marked unfairly as a potentially dangerous dog, she is far from it!
We had an incident that occurred last year; A car was being moved from the drive way and during this time a woman whom rides with her dog attached to a rod on her bike were going by. Ginger happen to get out. She ran after the woman and she & her dog fell from the bike. They say ginger bit her dog. Ginger did not intentionally mean to hurt anyone, you have to remember there are two moving objects speeding by and any dog would have done the same thing. Dogs don't Iike uniformes and things like bikes and skate boards wether it be the movement or the sounds they hear. Peope who know ginger always say hello, they look for her when coming through at Halloween, asking us "where's ginger?", and she's either in the back yard or visiting friends. This is on behalf of a loving dog, you're welcome to come and spend time and visit her anytime, she is not an attack dog nor viscous by far. She is the opposit. This woman's dog being attached to a rod on the bike when she fell not only due to GInger running out the gate, I'm sure her dog went to pull towards ginger too. That helped her to fall and her dog could very easily been scrapped by the rod. Either way dogs are dogs and things happen. This woman told my son not to worry, "I knew this was going to happen one day. I understand because I own a dog plus I wasn't wearing a helmet." We all learn from our mistakes and we all make them. Its just sad how people are today. Thankfully everyone's ok. Those who know me, know I would never own a mean animal. I have an 8 year old grandson whom many of you know, he lives with us and loves his dog! So let's save Ginger! Please help!

This petition was started to support ginger and show she is a loving dog. 

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