Urge Legislators to Implement Animal Cruelty Offenders Registry in Colorado

  • von: Sue Lee
  • empfänger: Colorado State Legislators

Colorado recently rejected a bill that would require animal abusers to be registered, despite the fact that animal cruelty is such a huge problem nationwide. Some opponents of the original proposed bill are of the belief that an animal cruelty registry would not serve any real purpose and be even more restrictive toward the animal offenders than our child abuse laws or drunk drivers. Those people do not have their faces or their home addresses listed on a website online."  You can read more on this crucial issue, the proposed bill & how to protect animals in Colorado through such a registry at http://www.denverpost.com/politics/ci_19850644         http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/30/colorado-animal-abuse-registry_n_1242769.html

The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) is in full support of such a registry; one that would be similar to that of the sex offender’s registry, in an attempt to curb the numbers of animal abuse and cruelty.  A spokesperson from the ALDF states that “Animal abuse is not only a danger to our cats, dogs, horses, and other animals, but also to people ... Many animal abusers have a history of domestic violence or other criminal activity, and there is a disturbing trend of animal abuse among our country's most notorious serial killers.” Many serial killers and other criminals first harmed and abused animals prior to their other horrific crimes.  ALDF continues to say that "It's not just about how animal abusers end up also hurting or killing humans. It should be motivation enough to protect our animals from repeat offenders--and any abuse of any kind."   

The proposed bill that was rejected was House Bill 1087 to implement a Colorado animal abuse registry statewide.  Our efforts in this petition is to encourage the passage of such a bill that would require animal cruelty offenders be registered to ensure they not be allowed to abuse again.  A registry would include all information about the offender and stipulation that such a person not be allowed to own, work with or care for animals for a lifetime.  You can support this issue by signing and sharing this petition.

Colorado State Legislators - You had considered a House Bill 1087 that involved the implementation of an animal abuse registry and through the years, this bill has met with rejection.  Some feel this bill and registry would not stop but the reality is that any lives saved is a step in the right direction in putting an end to animal abuse and more.  We strongly urge you to move forward with all attempts to put an animal abuse registry into place, one with the same stature and effectiveness as those against sex, child and elderly abusers. Animal abuse offenders need to be placed on this registry with all their information and be banned for future ownership, working with or caring of animals for a lifetime; the only way such cruel acts against animals will stop!!

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