Stop Nestle from draining 1.2 million gallons/day from Ginnie Springs

    Nestle wants to increase what it drains (at no charge to them) from Ginnie Springs from .2 million gallons a day to 1.2 million gallons a day, without showing a risk assessment of our wetlands or over all health of the state aquifers.

    Demand a stop to this permit until research can be conducted to assess the risk of such increased drainage. Nestle has requested a 5 year permit, which does not require projected risk analysis for their practices. All permits which have potential to impact our state should require data to support minimal risks, this is my call to action for Gilchrist and DeSantis.

    Potential risks include:

    Deterioration of water quality, lowering the water table reducing residential well water supplies, reduction of water to other streams and lakes in the state, destruction of ecosystems and wetlands, loss of support below soils creating sink holes.

    They gain all profits, we loose our ecosystems, well supplies and local watering hole without any financial gain to the state.
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