Fully investigate/prosecute owners of alleged animal cruelty victims in Lehigh, Oklahoma

  • von: Oklahoma Alliance for Animals
  • empfänger: Coal County Oklahoma Sheriff Brian Jump, Coal County Oklahoma District Attorney Emily Redman, and Assistant District Attorney Eric Johnson, Oklahoma

#NoExcuseForAnimalAbuse - This petition to the Coal County Sheriff Brian Jump and Coal County District Attorney Emily Redman, and Assistant District Attorney Eric Johnson encourages the full investigation and proactive prosecution of an alleged animal cruelty case in Lehigh, Coal County, Oklahoma, and the seizure of alleged animal victims remaining on the property as of July 26, 2018.

The Coal County Sheriff's Office in Oklahoma was notified on or before March 27, 2018 regarding injured and emaciated horses. Witnesses reported nine horses, one mini horse, one mini donkey, a pet wild pig, multiple cats, and a dozen or more dogs. On April 17, a local veterinarian documented recommendations for care of the animals including the injured horse; witnesses state they have no evidence of care is being received other than hay being provided. A July 20, 2018 photo documents a deceased horse on the property. Additional current photos this week document a pregnant horse in need of veterinary care and several photos of emaciated animals.

The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals was notified about this case July 23, 2018, phoned the Sheriff's Office, and followed up with email to offer assistance including veterinary care, rescue, necropsy, and more. OAA's offer remains to work with Coal County Sheriff's Office to coordinate rescue of surviving animals through either legal seizure or owner surrender.

The Coal County Sheriff's Office reportedly submitted the case to the Coal County District Attorney on July 25, 2018. The animals are still located on the property. Fully prosecuting this case of alleged animal cruelty is critically important. Where animal cruelty exists, other felony crimes are almost always found (source: nationallinkcoalition.org).

Update #1vor 6 Jahren
Recent photos show that there are new horses without shelter in a pen on the property. Recent photos also show horses trying to eat leaves from trees for food. This situation is not improving for the animals on the property. Please continue to share this petition until the animals are rescued.
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