US - Idaho Game Commissioner - BLAKE FISHER - whose job responsibilities according to the Idaho State website is as follows -

" Idaho Fish and Game is charged with preserving, protecting, perpetuating and managing all wildlife in the state for present and future generations."

But Mr. Fischer - another official who decided they are above following their job functions decided it was proper and "HUMANE" to partake in a trophy hunt and killing NOT ONE BUT 12 WILD ANIMALS on one hunt. This included a Giraffe, a leopard, a warthog and a family of Baboons.

These types of trophy hunts are the very reason we are losing some animals on the extinction list not to mention how in-humane it is to kill an animal simply for enjoyment. What kind of message does this send to current and future generations when the very person whose job is to protect animals thinks he is above his responsibilities and kills a large number of animals for enjoyment? THIS MAN NEEDS TO LEARN THAT THE PUBLIC WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR AND HE SHOULD BE FIRED FROM HIS JOB!! PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO HAVE HIM REMOVED FROM HIS JOB AND PREVENT HIM FROM EVERY HAVING A JOB TO PROTECT ANIMALS AGAIN. HE SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH MALFEASE OF HIS DUTIES!!

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