Sale of cats from cat breeders

Little Critters pet store continues to sell cats from a breeder. Whether or not this breeder is reputable is irrelevant. The fact remains that the Ottawa Humane Society alone has, on any given day, 60 to over 100 cats without homes. This number doesn't include the numerous cat sanctuaries, nor the 100's of feral cats in and around the city. We do not need more breeding of cats. Little Critters needs to help local adoption sanctuaries / shelters and stop selling newly bred cats for profit. Please sign this petition and I will send it to Little Critters. Thanks!

Update #2vor 10 Jahren
So close to my 500 signature goal. I have just one week left before I send this petition to Little Critters. Please send to friends so I can reach that goal. Thanks!!
Update #1vor 10 Jahren
I would like to get the signatures on this petition up to 500 (or more) if possible before I send it to Little Critters at the end of this month. If you have not already, please share with friends/family. Thanks to all those who have already signed!
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