jail time for David Kadow, 52, Vancouver.

  • von: terry holt
  • empfänger: Columbian City Attorney's Office

According to a probable cause affidavit filed in Superior Court, Vancouver police were called to the 3300 block of East 21st Street after receiving a report that a dog had been dragged by a truck to a home there, then was taken inside.

Two witnesses, Jacob and Rikki Harvilo, were inside their home in the 2800 block of East 28th Street when they heard a dog loudly yelping and crying. When they looked outside, they reportedly saw a dog hanging by a leash from the side of a truck. The dog was bouncing off the side of the truck and pavement, the affidavit said.

Jacob Harvilo ran after the truck, yelling for the driver, later identified by police as Kadow, to stop. Rikki Harvilo got into her car and drove after the pickup, honking her horn in an effort to get Kadow to stop. However, he continued driving, court records said.

Rikki Harvilo said she saw Kadow arrive at his residence and carry the dead dog inside, according to court documents.

Other witnesses reported seeing Kadow driving his truck and dragging the dog. When he turned from East 28th Street onto Norris Road, the dog was swept under the rear passenger tire of the truck, killing the animal, court records state.

Police said Kadow was uncooperative during their investigation, so they got a search warrant for the home after they were unable to get inside to check on the dog, the affidavit said. They found a dead female dog inside. Clark County Animal Control took the dog to conduct a necropsy.

Vancouver police Officer Jordan Rasmussen wrote in the affidavit that “had David stopped before he turned, the dog would have likely survived its injuries on her feet.”

Kadow’s wife, Wendi, previously told The Columbian that her husband would never intentionally hurt their dog, Hailey, a 10-year-old pit bull.

The City Attorney's Office Contact said it has not yet reviewed the case.....

Sign our petition and seek justice for the latest victim to what seems to be rampant animal abuse.....

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