Ryan Holle is being held in a Florida prison for life for loaning his car

Ryan Holle loaned his car to a friend, and went to sleep, as he did many times before.The friend robbed a drug house and the daughter of the people that ran the house got killed in the altercation. Ryan is in his 11th year of his sentence and has been denied clemency. 

Just because he lent the car to the friend, he was charged with conspiracy to commit murder! This is Florida doesn't mean that he should be locked up for the rest of his life!! He did not know that the friend was going to rob anyone and surely didn't know they would commit murder! 

Please help get this young man out of this mess. He had inadequate representation and needs some help.

There is a Mothe and Father that are still fighting for his release! 

Help this man receive justice! 

Mr. Scott,

Ryan Holle has been held for 11 years. He had no idea that his car was being used in this crime. He was asleep when it happened! There is no way that this persob had anything to do with this crime. He had lent his car to this friend numerous times and never had anything happen before. Why would he have thought anything was different this time? 

Please, rethink the sentence and whether or not to keep this young man locked up any longer. He would serve the cause of justice much more if he were freed and his family was back together! 

Thank you sir,

Vivian Birdwell

And others

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