Military leaders need to stop being silent, and sound the alarm about Trump NOW

  • von: Left Action
  • empfänger: America's military leaders

Former Trump chief of staff and retired general John Kelly has finally gone on the record to warn of the danger of Trump, and how he would rule like a dictator in a second term. This is good, since military leaders like Kelly have gravitas and credibility that really can influence many voters.

But we need a hell of a lot more of them to speak out NOW. Not off the record. Not subtly and cryptically. But openly, loudly, and to as many voters as humanly possible.

Historically, these leaders have mostly tried to avoid appearing partisan. But these are not normal times. The republic is threatened, and an actual fascist is counting the days until he can take power -- by force if necessary.

These military leaders have taken an oath to defend out nation, and the best way they can do that is to speak out NOW, and do whatever they can to ensure that Trump is defeated in November.

Add your name, and tell military leaders to stop being silent, and to sound the alarm about Trump NOW.

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