Save Whitworth House - a young women's hostel for survivors of domestic violence and other vulnerable women

Whitworth House is a young women's hostel for women aged 16-25. The government have cut funding to local councils nationwide, and Cambridgeshire County Council are now planning to close down Whitworth House.

It is the only all woman's hostel in Cambridge, UK, and is for women who have been through domestic violence, or for other personal reasons they don't feel comfortable around boys or men. This is a safe small environment for them to call home for up to 2 years, until they are able to live in their own place.

The government think it's ok to close it down which is going to cause a lot of emotional destress for the girls living there. I know this because I am one of them.

Please sign and help us save Whitworth House.

I will not back down until I get evidence and a good enough reason that it should not stay open so please help.

NB photo is a stock photo, to protect the identities of women at the hostel.

Update #2vor 6 Jahren
Cambridge independent will be coming to visit us tomorrow to possibly report about this
Update #1vor 6 Jahren
I have emailed the mp of Cambridge and he will be representing us to the Cambridge county council. Please guys keep signing
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