Marks and Spencer Stop selling goods containing goose down. UPDATE. MnS do use live geese

  • von: polly Folley
  • empfänger:

What is goose down?
-Goose down is the softest layer of feathers closest to they skin.
How they obtain goose down?
-They are held upside down with their necks between worker knees while handful of feathers are pulled off.
-This is extremely painful and cruel causing terror, bloody wounds, broken bones, and some times even death.

Marks and Spencer are almost a national institution, we all feel we can trust them. But can we if they allow goods containing goose down to be sold in their shops? Please tell them this is unacceptable  and that we are shocked to find that the company we thought we could always trust, has let us down. 

Dear Marks and Spencer, 
Over the many years you have been in operation you have become a national institution almost a national treasure and that across many countries! We have come to trust you and like you. Yet now we find that you sell a product that may well require an animal to be treated with great cruelty. Your buyers may not be aware of this, so we are, very respectfully, giving you the opportunity to withdraw all products containing goose down, world wide. We ask you to see the video and consider what effect seeing this would have on your regular customers. We certainly don't want to create this effect. So please, please withdraw all goose down product immediately. Many thanks. 

Update #1vor 9 Jahren
GOOD NEWS Marks and Spencer do not use live geese. All of their products are sourced from the food chain. We can buy with confidence. Well done Marks and Spencer.
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