Stop Overfishing and Over-Exploiting the Gulf of Maine's Atlantic Cod

  • von: Jessica Ramos
  • empfänger: National Marine Fisheries Service

The iconic Gulf of Maine's Atlantic cod is in hot water (quite literally!). A new study shows that climate change's warming waters is leading to the collapse of the cod's fishery. Temperatures in the region have increased faster than 99 percent of the global ocean and not even deep quota cuts have helped the fish recuperate. Warmer temperatures impact the mortality of the younger fish and increase the risk of predation as predators migrate to the region's warmer waters.

While the Atlantic cod plays an important role in its local economy, it also plays a vital role in its environment. It's both predator and prey and it helps to maintain a healthy, balanced ecosystem.

Yet, we're losing them and fast. The species has declined 90 percent since 1982 and it's only at 3-4 percent of what a healthy stock should be.

We don't have any time to lose. Please sign and share this petition urging the National Marine Fisheries Service to stop overfishing and over-exploiting the Atlantic cod in the Gulf of Maine now that we know about the severe impact of climate change.

(Photo Credit: Saipal on flickr)

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