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My name is Megan Gardiner. I am 22 years old and live in the Hertfordshire area.I am creating this so people are aware of a heartbreaking situation my family and I are going through. The emotional support from my peers has been compelling and is what has encouraged me to create this petition, and seek to help those in a similar situation.
On the 23rd of January 2018 our new addition, Fang, was outside playing in the garden but did not roam very far, on account of him still being so small.At around 14:00pm, my mum heard an air rifle shoot twice. Fang came running into the kitchen, stunned, and began to projectile vomit. At first, my mother was shocked and confused. After inspecting Fang, she had this sickening, creeping feeling that he had been shot.
Rushing Fang to the vet, our worst fears were confirmed; a bullet was shot and wedged inside of his small body. After looking at x-rays, the vet said it looked like he was a very lucky cat, as the bullet had missed his vital organs. We thought the worst was over but we were wrong…
After fighting for his life, on the 27th January 2018, we lost Fang. My family were with him through it all and we hope this was peaceful for him, and that his needlessly-inflicted injuries were not causing him to suffer anymore.
It saddens me deeply that Fang is no longer with us; he was someone my family all loved, amongst all the trauma and drama of growing up, which I am sure you can all relate to on some level. We will remember Fang, although our time with him was brief and cruelly cut short.
My family and I know who did this to our helpless pet and are trying to get justice. We could never forsee how difficult that would be for him as cats are classed as ''property''. Animal cruelty should not go unnoticed, or without repercussion. We want ''Justice for Fang'. I was forced to watch my young pet deteriorate in front of my eyes until his final breath for no reason other than cruelty and irresponsibility.
In signing this petition you could help to change the future of the system for other families in similar situations like ours and make their journey easier. I can then take this petition with all the signatures to the police and to the court to protest against how cats come under and are classed as "property" to seek justice for what has happened to us. Cats have a right to roam and any person who kills or intentionally hurts an animal has traits to do much worse.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and I hope you will join me in seeking "Justice for Fang".- Megan
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