Western Gray Wolves Are Dying out Due to Policy Failure. Demand Protection!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The Western gray wolves, once thriving apex predators, are under severe threat largely because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) refuses to give them Endangered Species Act protections. This failure to protect these majestic creatures have left them vulnerable to practices that could drive the Western Gray wolf population back towards extinction. We must demand change.

Sign this petition to demand the USFWS reinstate Endangered Species Act protections for the Western gray wolf!

Gray wolves in the Western U.S. face unrelenting threats from state policies that encourage widespread killing. Practices in states like Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming allow wolves to be killed almost without restriction, leading to drastic declines in wolf populations. 

Without immediate federal intervention, the future of the Western gray wolf remains bleak. Wolves are not only crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems but are also a symbol of the American wild, deserving of our respect and protection.

By reinstating federal protections, the USFWS can ensure that wolf populations are managed based on scientific data and ecological needs rather than political pressure. 

Sign the petition to urge the USFWS to act swiftly to save Western gray wolves!

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