Stop Displays of Animal Violence on Social Media

  • von: Gladys Calderon
  • empfänger: Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter

It is becoming more and more controversial and common to see hunters or human killers to target other species for killing and sport and displaying on social media platforms. Specially when for the hunters part of their delight is to display this with others in order to gain notoriety for the deed.

This leads to more and more humans killing for sport to show off their so called skills as well. This is the road to the devastation of other species and more and more animals become targets for this disgusting human behavior of seeking approval for killing and taking the beautiful life of other species that are misunderstood.

If social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram would become more conscious of the part they take in this brutal human trait the killing will become harder to display, less glamorous, and actually seem like a bad idea.

Social Media platforms should take responsibility for their participation in the brutal killings of every animal that is hurt and then easily displayed on their site.

Sign this petition to send to all these Social Media Sites to have them block and monitor the posting of pictures, videos, memes and any other media depicting harm to animals for sport or fun.

Let mature and animal loving humans report these images and have them removed as promptly as they are put up. The same concept and policy should apply as with nudity and pornography.

Dear Social Media Platform

This is a request to make changes to your terms of use policy and to also live up to the guidelines already in place.

In terms of use you have indicated that users are not to portray "violence". In my own eyes and the eyes of all the concerned people in this petition. Images, videos, memes, or any visual images of dead animals beside smiling people portrays violence. According to terms that we have already signed with you we ask you protect us the users from exposing us to these violent acts using the terms already set in place by your End User License Agreement (EULA).

We also kindly ask that you media platform adjust your safety standards to include mistreatment, killing and hate towards any animals as unacceptable to be posted on your sites and allow people to report these as unacceptable and be removed promptly so that these do not harm the minds of other users. Do not allow media displays of people smiling with dead animals, animals being trapped, terrorized, or killed to be posted on any profile, page, or group.

When you allow your site to portray these violent and horrific acts as part of a person's daily life you are giving the killers of these innocent beings a green light to keep doing this and to pass on their killing nature to more viewers, who may decide this is acceptable behaviour and continue it in their own lives.

We ask that you use the same security you have in place now to protect users from viewing nudity, pornography, and other not acceptable media displays that protects people and children to protect animals who are also trying just to live life without being prosecuted, tortured, and killed by humans.

This is very important for us and for the future of the users of social media specially the young minds that look at social media as a major source of entertainment and learning. 

Kind Regards,

From all the kind people who have signed.

Update #2vor 9 Jahren
Thank you! We are already up to over 1700. Lets get more and more people to make a change, share this with all your animal loving Friends, Pages and Groups. Together we can make a difference and put a stop to Displays of Killing on Social Media.
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Thank you so much for all the support so far. We have reached over 500 signatures. Keep sharing and look towards a brighter future for all innocent creatures.

Kind regards,
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